Frequently Asked Questions
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Our drop off/pick up time periods are strictly enforced because they allow all our doggy guests to have quiet times as part of a consistent routine.
However when special arrangements have been made in advance, we can usually accommodate for a pick up/drop off time outside the designated hours. A $40 fee is charged for this.
Please note that we cannot schedule any special drop offs/pick ups during nap time, which is 12-2pm daily.
In a nutshell, bring a blanket or bedding that smells like home, individually portioned & labelled food and your pet’s medications. Make sure to review our checklist when you pack your dog’s bag.
We are pleased to administer any medications your pet may be required to take. A fee of $2 per day is charged for medication administration.
Please put the medications in a zipper bag, labeled with your dog’s name and breed, and detailed instructions for administering the medication.
K9 Country Cottage is an alternative kennel where groups of dogs socialize together. Prior to accepting new dogs into our care, we screen each one carefully through a process that includes an initial meeting. We do our best to make sure that their personality matches our kennel values. For the safety of all, we do not tolerate pets with aggressive behaviours in our facility. All of our guests have up-to-date vaccinations.
Although some guests are more timid than others at first, most dogs usually settle in quickly. We have multiple play areas, which are all separate. This allows us to place your dog in the small playgroup that most suits their personality or their energy levels.
We offer on-leash walks for our boarding or daycare guests through “Treat Your K9” Walking Services. Find more information about walking services.
More questions? Get in touch!

“Hudson has been coming here since he was a puppy. Not daily, but for occasion daycare and to board for a long weekend. He is happy to come. The team does a good job of matching energy levels and the disposition s of the Dogg's for playtime.”